Pray Over

1. What should I do when others are laying hands on me offering prayers?
2. Why do people fall down or ‘rest in the spirit’ during prayer?

1. What should I do when others are laying hands on me offering prayers?

You should relax, focus on Jesus, invite Jesus into your heart and humbly receive whatever the Holy Spirit wants to give you.

2. Why do people fall down or ‘rest in the spirit’ during prayer?
During prayer, some people can experience a manifestation of God that is so strong that it causes them to fall to the ground. Some people may also feel weak in their legs and fall. On other occasions, some people may feel a direct and powerful force like the bright light that hit St Paul on the road to Damascus that caused him to fall to the ground.

These people who fall to the ground following prayer are ‘resting in the spirit’. While they are resting in the spirit, they can experience a sense of peace and joy or see visions from God. They can also experience an inner healing as the Holy Spirit works to heal their hurts and wounds.

These manifestations are all directed by God, hence they may or may not occur during pray over. If it does happens, it means that God sees a need for it. If someone does not fall to the ground, then they should not be disappointed because falling to the ground should not be something that we focus on or seek for. Rather, we should focus on God and give Him the full permission to heal us and change us in whatever way He wants.