Common Misunderstanding

1. Catholic charismatic Christians often behave very much like Protestants
2. Charismatic-style prayer is not traditional enough like rosary or devotion to the saints
3. Catholic charismatic Christians are not interested in traditional devotions
4. Catholic Charismatic Christians think they are more superior as they have gifts of the Holy Spirit

1. Catholic charismatic Christians often behave very much like Protestants
After a person is baptised in the Holy Spirit, there is often an urge to:
• study the Bible
• evangelise friends, families and colleagues around them
• live life as God desires
• seek God’s will through prayers and His Word
• surrender their finance to God (e.g. in form of tithing)

These signs are often interpreted as “Protestant-like”, when in reality they are positive signs when any believer is in love with Christ and who wants to devote more of their lives to God. These are signs that are shared across all Christian denominations and should not be what differentiates Catholics from Protestants.

2. Charismatic-style prayer is not traditional enough like rosary or devotion to the saints

Charismatic-style prayer is actually a lot more traditional than a lot of the common prayer styles like the rosary or devotion to the saints. The first episodes of charismatic events and praying in tongues were actually recorded in the Bible in the book of Acts – much earlier than the rosary prayers and devotion to the saints.

3. Catholic charismatic Christians are not interested in traditional devotions
This is quite the opposite in fact. A lot of Catholics who receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit actually develop a renewed hunger and understanding in Eucharistic adoration, attending mass and receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Many find themselves being more in love with Jesus after baptism in the Holy Spirit and want to follow Him.
They also long to adore the Eucharist and frequently receive Holy Communion.

4. Catholic Charismatic Christians think they are more superior as they have gifts of the Holy Spirit

Having the gifts of the Holy Spirit does not make charismatic Christians more superior because the Holy Spirit is the source and the power of these gifts. Believers are simply an instrument or channel used by God for His power to be manifested.